My dogs urine smells like metal

Metal in Urine
How to remove cat and dog urine odor from.
Pet odor removal. Eliminate cat urine, dog urine, and other pet urine smells forever.
Why Does My Dogs Urine Smell Like Fish?.
Why does my dogs butt smell like metal.
05.12.2008 · Best Answer: all these people are idiots. there is way too much iron in your system. this could lead to, or already is a symptom of, serious problems
Answer (1 of 4): What you are likely smelling is your dogs anal gland fluid. Anal glands (there is one on the left and one on the right) are small pockets on the
Berkeley Parents Network: Removing Urine. My dogs urine smells like Sulfer/Rotten.
My Hands Smell Like Metal
My dog smells like urine..Help? - Yahoo!.
My dogs urine smells like metal
My Urine and Fart smells like metal,.
Best way to remove cat urine odors or dog urine odors. Eliminate pet odors and stains from your carpets, upholstery, mattress, bare floor.
Question - My dogs urine smells like Sulfer/Rotten eggs what does this. Find the answer to this and other Dog Veterinary questions on JustAnswer.
My dog's urine smells like ammonia. WHY?.
Question - Why does my dogs butt smell like metal. Find the answer to this and other Dog questions on JustAnswer.
08.04.2008 · Best Answer: You might check ehr anal glands. Also, get real nosy- literally- put your nose on her and see where, exactly, the smell is coming from- my

It’s highly likely that the smell of rotten fish is actually a byproduct of how your dog’s body chemistry is reacting to a change in their diet.
Remove pet odors like cat and dog urine.
05.07.2006 · Best Answer: All bitches pee smells that way in heat, she is full up with hormones. It will abate. Make sure there is always loads of FRESH cold water for
My dogs urine smells like Sulfer/Rotten.